Annual IPU New Zealand Japanese Speech Contest Held on Campus

On Wednesday, the annual IPU New Zealand Japanese Speech Contest was held here on campus. Each of the eight students who took part spoke in front of a live audience, with this year's contestants providing a wider variety of topics than had been the case in previous years, and their speeches provided them with the opportunity to express their personality.

The winner was Wen-Po Yeh, with his speech "How to Enjoy School Life". Wen-Po will represent IPU New Zealand at this year’s JSANZ Tertiary Japanese Language Speech contest, and I’m sure you will join us when we wish Wen-Po the best of luck.

Congratulations are due to all the other finalists, who successfully negotiated their way through the qualifying rounds.


622日に2022年度IPU New Zealand日本語スピーチコンテストを開催しました。予選を勝ち抜いた各クラス代表の8名の学生達が聴衆と審査員の前でスピーチを披露しました。今年は例年以上にバラエティー豊かなトピックと一人ひとりのキャラクターが表れたスピーチを聞かせてくれました。今回優勝したのは「学校生活の楽しみ方」をテーマに感情豊かなスピーチを披露したウェンポウ・イエさん。ウェンポウさんはIPU代表としてJSANZ (Japanese Studies Aotearoa New Zealand) スピーチコンテストに出場予定です。皆様、応援よろしくお願いします!