IPU New Zealand Graduation 2016

On December 7th IPU New Zealand celebrated our 26th Graduation at the convention centre.
Comment from our president Wayne Edwards:
A Message to Graduands from the IPU New Zealand President
Receiving your degree or diploma marks a very special event for each graduand. Graduation Day is a celebration of each person’s achievement in reaching the goal of studying and establishing a foundation for your further steps in work and life. This is a time to take pride and satisfaction in completing your qualification after all the hard work, commitment and challenges that you faced. Well done!
Today’s awards also signal success in gaining a genuine international education that encourages our students to think beyond national boundaries and to see themselves as citizens of the wider world. IPU New Zealand is a unique tertiary institution with multinational students and staff studying in small classes, where new language learning is the norm (especially in English) and where programmes reflect international issues and events.
Of course, many people were part of your success with their help, guidance and support – friends, teachers and, most significantly, families. Some of the most important of these people are far away at this time but they, too, will be feeling proud. Graduates can’t achieve their goals without them!
I warmly congratulate each graduate. It took courage to become an international student – in another country different from your own familiar environment, away from family, friends, culture, food and language; for most graduates, for a number of years. The experience for our New Zealand students enabled them to live and study with students from many different cultural and national backgrounds, immersed in a unique international environment not experienced by many young Kiwis.
May your degree or diploma be your passport to further opportunities in an enjoyable, successful and rewarding life and career. Do enjoy the occasion!
Professor Wayne Edwards, OBE